Sunday, April 4, 2021

A hair raising visit for Arta

The Three Graces (Sisters)

This week, my aunts Moiya and Wyona came out to spend a few days with Arta.
They were there to spend time with Arta, but along the way, the group of them also taught Duncan how to play Bridge (yes... they needed a 4th and I was resistant!), and they also learned how to play Azul: Summer Palace.
As you might imagine, it is always a party when Wyona and Moiya are around. And usually a party that involves shopping (which you all know that Arta loves and I hate!).

Does throwing up in a unicorn bucket make it any better?!
I took the three of them out on one shopping trip.  We were only visiting London Drugs to refill Arta's hydromorphone and anti-nausea prescriptions, and some how those three women managed to turn it into a shopping spree.
They thought it was not right that Arta was carrying an ice cream bucket around with her (for those moments when she felt the need to throw up):  The bucket was just not worthy.  So they got her a much more attractive bucket!

being stared down by squish mallows

Wyona also came away with no less than FIVE of those reversible squishmallow things.   They sat on the ledge in our house all week.   Steve was very nervous, til she confirmed for him that it was part of her attempt to buy her grandchildren's love, and not a gift for the house.  She is to report back on whether or not this attempt her bribe her grandchildren into affection is successful.

The visit was too short, but I expect there will be more. Here are some photos from packing up to go.   As you will see (if you stay through til the end), Arta got caught in my tree while saying goodby.
Wyona can't resist putting donkey ears on Arta?!

A photo in front of the Lorax Tree

Wyona's scarf is covered with white sheep.  She reports that SHE is the black sheep that completes the set.   Penny already grieving that they are leaving

Dressed for travel....back to the Shuswap

...and off they go...

but don't walk too close to the trees!

This is the 'hair-raising' part.... as we waved goodbye to Wyona and Moiya, Arta turned to go back into the house, and she caught her braids in the tree and was trapped.   Yes.... she did immediately think of King David's son, Absalom, rebelling against his father, and then caught when hanging from the tree by his long beautiful hair. No... I did not use it as an occasion to dispatch her myself!  :-). 


  1. There is a sitcom or a movie just waiting to happen in your family, some sort of hybrid of The Barbarian Invasions meets Big Love meets Superstore. xox

    1. I'm so glad that you are one of the actors in this sitcom we call life. Hugs to you, Gillian.

    2. Thank you for the gift of Maggie O'Frarrell's new novel, "Hamet & Judith. I am on page 85, not for lack of interest but because so many other little jobs are getting in my way.

  2. David and I watched a 16 second video clip you sent me of you rescuing Arta from the tree. We looked up Absalom and watched a 5 min animated Baptist bible lesson together so we could understand the reference. The animation had hilarious facial expressions in people (intended?) so we laughed a lot. At the end I apologized for not giving him a religious education. He relieved me of that parent guilt, telling me it was okay. After all, I had given him D&D and that would do for now. Whew.

    1. And here is a game I have yet to learn to play: D & D. It is going to be fun.

  3. PS: I love the 3 Graces portrait.

  4. Hilarious and beautiful. Sorry that Arta is requiring the aid of a bucket. Your Aunties are all still some of my favourite people, thanks for reminding me why !

  5. Looks like a whole lot of love and joy rolled through in that van full of sisters. Thinking of you all.

    1. Thank you for the citrus torte and the the brioche and the chocolate book and the lesson on how to make a bicycle travelling bag. And for travelling with that great guy, Felix, for bringing him by.

  6. It is always a riot when Moiya, Arta, and Wyona are together if you are lucky and quieter than they are, you can stick around and enjoy each Aunt and their amazing qualities. Glad they spent time together and I hope the unicorn bucket is well used...but maybe not for its original purpose every time.

    1. Arta here - And Tonia, there is a bucket list of times when I have been with you, the times when you are instantly available to go see a concert, to go shopping, to play a game, to settle in to Azul. What is there to say about Tonia except that every aunt should have one such beautiful human being in their life. I love you.

  7. Aren't sisters (aunts) the best? Shared memories, jokes, and senses of humor. thanks for posting it's great to see Arta and her sisters. Your family is part of some of my most treasured memories.

  8. About the Squishmellow things: I facetimed Audra from the lake so she could choose her squishmellow. She chose the elephant. Then I facetimed Kalina and Theresa but I hid the elephant. Kalina and Theresa both wanted the unicorn but Theresa was happy to give it to Kalina. Theresa chose the dog. I took the 3 squishmellows back to Calgary. However, Kalina and Theresa saw the squishmellows and Theresa chose the elephant which was for Audra. 'Trouble in River City'. So I spent four hours on Friday afternoon going to every London drugs in the NW and NE of Calgary and not one reversible squishmellow was to be found. They were very popular. Now I will not have the love I need from all of my grandchildren.


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