Friday, April 16, 2021

80 Things We Love About Arta: 22: Ushuaia Argentina

 And I love travelling with Arta today again. Today we are in Ushuaia, Argentina, almost the Southern tip of South America. Here is the beautiful Celebrity Infinity docked in the harbor.

It was a rather cold day when we went on an excursion boat to observe the penguins, whales and birds.
We were slow to get on the boat so we did not get a seat inside. However, cold as it was, we loved being there.
A person cannot have too many scarves.
Sea Lions and Cormorants share the rocky island.
And this is one reason we were cold, a big glacier melting into the water.
I think we were trying to get a good look at the whales swimming around the boat.


  1. The colours in the sea lion cormorant photo and the glacier one are stunning. Thanks for letting me tag along virtually. The whale photo takes my breath away. Those creatures are truly magestic.

  2. wyona, remember when you bought the dish towels that had Ushuaia on them and i asked what you were going to do with them? you said you were going to make them into bags. When i buy material anymore, i know it is never going to get sewn up, but you got that made into bags and gave me one. Just telling me when i was through with it could i give it back to you. When i use that bag, it makes me remember the couple of passes that the captain tried to make around the southern tip of South America, but the weather wouldn't cooperate, so we cut through an inside passage that was calmer. Again, thanks to Greg for taking the pictures of you and me. I can't believe that I just jumped up on top of that bench to try to see the whales (was I really 74 in that shot? and still beetling around here and there). I have had an excellent 6 years since then. Three cheers for good health.


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