Thursday, April 15, 2021

80 Things We Love About Arta: 21 Puerto Madryn

 Always fascinating to see the number of buses that are waiting on the dock to take passengers on an excursion.

Puerto Madryn is an Argentine city on the coast of norther Patagonia. This is where Greg and Arta took their 8 hour bus trip to see Patagonia. 
The yearly rainfall here is 6-8 inches a year. It has a cold desert climate.
The cliff side coastal views are breathtaking.
Colonies of Sea Lions. Greg took these photos. Now where are Arta's photos?

More Sea Lions.
The Guanacos is a close relative of the llama or alpaca.
Here is a lonely Magellan Penquin named after the explorer. It was a long bus ride for Arta and Greg when they explored Patagonia. 


  1. Those sea lions look like they really know how to relax!

  2. The penguin in the last photo is waiting for Gillian Calder to come visit. Thank you Wyona for Greg's pictures. I have no idea where mine are. Maybe he was taking them for me.


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