Saturday, April 24, 2021

Mystery Scarf -- Part Two

The day after the mystery scarf arrived, Arta got another package.  Another two beautiful scarves. This time Van Gogh and Monet paintings. 

With some investigation, we found out it was Eric who had sent them.  

(VIDEO EVIDENCE):  In which (the unseen Rebecca...recording the video) reveals that she has figured out the identity of the secret scarf sender!

And so, the mystery was solved.   Knowing that Arta prefers not to get cut flowers as a gift, Eric had sent her flowers via silk scarves.

More scarves for the gantry.  We did notice that the gantry has a weight limit of 450 pounds, so room for lots more scarves.

Arta's been wearing a different scarf each day for her walk around the hospital unit.

And this scarf matches Arta's mask.


  1. Eric Jarvis, well done. I didn't have you on my list of those who might send Arta a scarf, but upon reading this post it makes perfect sense.

    I love how silk breaths, and how it feels on my skin. I love how the threads are so fine, allowing the dye to deliver tiny intricate designs.

    I recall reading that you express your love and romance Catherine with flowers, but that you know Arta eschews flowers that are imported from any garden but your own.

    Eric, do you enjoy choosing gifts? I tend to find it quite stressful, the choosing part. I have many friends who are marvelous at choosing gifts. Arta is among them. Arta, mother of mine, I wonder if I could ever list all the gifts you have given me, tangible and intangible. I am enjoying Wyona's posts about the gift of having you as a travelling companion. Tonya's posts about 80 things about you really captured you. Lauren's post was such a gift. I didn't even know Calgary has a Black Lives Matter mural. The colours I. That would look great on a scarf and be a powerful message to wear.

    I am thinking of other artists whose flowers might arrive on a silk scarf. Georgia O'Keefe's? Or other flower-like images, perhaps a plate from The Dinner Party? Can you imagine a silk scarf with the image from one of Rebecca's colleagues paintings, grandmother trickster in a European garden?

    Thanks for the visit via the blog. I am enjoying the sun rise from your master bedroom suite at the lake for you. I hope you have as beautiful a view out your window this morning. I can imagine mine on a silk scarf.

  2. My goodness, what a person has to go through to get silk scarves. They are so lovely and I can just feel the silkiness. Actually, I have a very sore throat and maybe a little fever also. I am not partial to any particular color in case anyone is wondering.

  3. I love scarves and have a box full Id wish I could send a few. One large one I have is from photography and has radiant colors. Love you always Arta and am so glad to see your pictures. Gloria


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