Friday, April 23, 2021

Laundry at the Lake

 By Michael

Today I got to do laundry at the lake.

At home in Calgary we use the Heavy Duty Cycle to wash our laundry. 

I have no idea why my father  Richard decided that, but now it's just a habit I have.

The reason I  was doing the laundry is because I asked if I could. 

I asked to because I like the feeling of the laundry soap pod we put in the  machine.

I told Bonnie that hope I can find a cleaner way to have the feeling of holding the soap pod in my hand.

She gave me a job.

She told me to walk around the house and try and find an object that feels as similar as possible to that. 

I found something that was close. It was one of grandmother Arta's silk scarves.

It felt kind of like the laundry soap pod but the scarfs a little rougher when you slide your fingers along it.

Don't worry, grandmother. 

That pink thing in the washing machine photo is just a towel, not a silk scarf.


  1. Arta here to Michael: I am so glad I missed April Fools Day. You gave me a sudden start. You also made me gasp.

  2. Great job with the laundry, Michael.


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