Friday, April 23, 2021

From Arta: An outing in the garden today

Walking in the gardens of the Royal Jubilee Hospital we came across this single flower that had fallen on the ground.  We would not have been able to find the bush it came from except that I had already looked up and saw that this very tall tree was covered with them.



  1. I can remember you putting a rose in my hair for church at the lake when I was little, Arta. It was so nice to have that smell perfuming the air around me on those summer Sundays in the old Scout Hall in Salmon Arm. To have church in a non-church building seemed so forbidden, bringing the worlds of Mormon and non-mormon together in one place. At least, that is how my childhood brain perceived it. Wasn't there an elderly man who carried hard candy in his pocket and gave one out to each child that passed by him? Another strange mix of the familiar and the unfamiliar.

  2. Arta here: I am trying to remember his name. He and his wife had no children. I don't remember the candy part. His name was Kensey Daggitt is my best guess. I wonder if Glen will remember him.

    1. Brother Daggett sounds right. Was he the ward clerk? I can remember kids even getting in a line up for the candies, and me watching for return offenders and with my eye of justice. He didn't seem to need the help. He'd just tell me those boys, come see me next week. I want d life to be fair.

  3. Arta here: Kensey Daggitt told Doral Pilling (my dad) that he could keep the bears out of his apple tree by putting ladders against the trunk of the apple trees.

    1. Interesting. They like to climb trees, but not ladders?

  4. Looks like the blossom from a Magnolia tree. Ria

  5. Nice photos, Arta.
    I almost forgot that April 23 is the international day of the book, and the Saint Jordi holiday in Catalonia. On a normal year the Rambla in Barcelona would be full of people buying books from the bookstores that set up tables outdoors.


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