Monday, April 26, 2021

Arta's Newest Accessories

Red Cross has loaned us all sorts of equipment to facilitate Arta's eventual safe and comfortable return to Rebecca and Steve's house -- what we are now calling home. This has included a hospital bed, and extra walker (so she can have one on each floor of the house), a wheel chair, a shower bench for the bathroom that has a tub, arm rests for the toilet that doesn't have bars already attached to the wall, and more.

For a couple of weeks now, we have had the special privilege of spending nights at the hospital with Arta.  This has meant that Rebecca and I no longer have time together at home; we see each other only in passing as we switch shifts with Arta at the hospital.  

Yesterday we had a rare few hours together at home since Arta is gaining some more independence and is able to be without us for a few hours in the day time.  We decided we both had "work" to do on our computers and decided to do side-by-side work.  I brought my table to her office and set myself up beside her desk.  I just grabbed the closest things to use as my chair and computer table.  

Can you name Arta's accessories that I am test driving?

And my view of Rebecca's workstation.

And our "work time" selfie.

If you had been there with us, you may have heard me say, of the wheelchair:

"It's surprisingly comfortable actually."


  1. Arta keeps referring to all these new objects as her "Accessories of Dying" (yes, she DID write a poem with that title!). So, Mary and I were thinking of using Mary's observation as a line on a family T-Shirt, "It's surprising comfortable, actually!"

  2. Lovely accessories and you guys are having way tooooo much fun!


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