Friday, April 9, 2021

Wanna play a game with me?

I first played this game at Hannah 6th birthday party.
At the Zoom party I didn't know the game. People were interrupting so I couldn't hear.
After the party I told my mom,
"I still don't know how to play hangman."
So my mom taught me how to play.

"Wanna play a game with me?" asks Betty. My mother Arta taught me that children hear "no" often, so when you can say "yes," do.

"Sure," I replied. What game?"

"Do you know how to play hangman?" she queried.

"I think so," was my response.

I should have had Betty go first. I guess I don't know how to play
the modern version of the game. A flower is a nicer picture than someone at the gallows.

We each took one turn being the person who thinks up the word for the other person to spell. We each have each other extra clues when the game was getting too close. My hint? Alice's pajamas. Her hint? Something I like that is orange ... and sitting on that table.

I decided to pick three letter words. I was still thinking about another writing experience with Betty from earlier in the week.

"Why is the word 'bet' on the side of the house?," asked Michael.

We are thinking of Arta and playing games we think she would lake too, and that includes games with paper and pencils, and clean-up work when we forget the rules about where we can use chalk and new found "powers of the pen."

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