Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Don't say hi!

Ta dah!
There is more to be said about building a chicken coop.

And I shall get to saying some of that in future posts.

One thing is for certain, Richard said the chicken coop could not have been finished off in the same timely manner as it was, without the help of Leo Brooks.

Leo and Richard spent an afternoon putting the finishing touches on the chicken coop.

That is not to minimize that the coop had been under construction for about a week with Miranda.

But to come in at the finish, Richard was in charge of the roof.

... two weeks previously when the chicks could be kept in a large box ...
Leo, one side of the pen.

I think that having chickens will be a grand saving in the grocery bill, once the chickens start laying eggs, and they will bring back the investment of purchasing the chickens and in building the coop.

As well, let us say that it is also to be counted in the cost of home schooling.  Home schoolers buy chicken wire along with pencils and paper.

Some people think the chickens and the coop may not really represent money saved, but certainly experiences gained.

At least experience gained by the adults who had fun watching the kids with the chickens -- naming them, trying to cuddle them, and telling the chicks their names.

Mary's favourite moment was having Richard tell her not to be nice to the chickens and say hi every time she walked by them.

That is in reference to the chickens, not the kids.

Richard is OK if people are nice to his kids.



  1. This was so fun to read. Even though I was there. Luckily, no one tried to lock me inside the coup with the chickens.

  2. All of the excellent and educational parts of raising chickens? Nobody has time to even talk about those -- just experience them. My guess is that the eggs are going to cost about $3 each when there is a cost analysis done about the chickens.


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