Sunday, May 24, 2020

Hydroponic Garden

... the view of the lake from the hydroponic garden ...
David and Shauna Pilling have a hydroponic garden:  a beautiful view and a great advertizement for Wolseley Plumbing as well.

An amazing garden that you don't have to weed.

David bought a pump  from Wolseley Plubing, and some buckets and some pvc.

At the beach, one day,  Laynie, Connor and Glen went for a walk toward Johnson's Point.

Laynie  saw a blue barrel that she wanted to rollback back up to the house, but Connor said, no leave that.  No one wants it.  So Laynie left it.

David Pilling saw the blue barrel next and the blue bucket has migrated up to his house and that is now his reservoir.

David also has electrical conduit up there.  David will turn that into a green house.  So cool.

David and Shauna went out tonight to go fishing.

... a Pilling pallet place for plants ...
 ... to b ie seen at the back of Connor and Carly Mariee's house ...
As well, David and Shauna went to D Dutchmen for their Friday night date.

She wanted a litre or two of lemon meringue ice cream, arguably the best flavour in the dairy.

The clerk went to the back and brought out all she had, two 11 litre buckets.

Shauna just couldn't tell the lady no, take one back, so now they have two.

That is roughly $100 worth of ice cream.  I say, $100 well spent.
Now speaking of Connor, he built 3 raised beds out of pallet.

He has a 2 section compost made of pallet.

He also has a pallet campfire.

Now he can sit around and have a fire there since it is fine with fire regulations.

Although Connor might walk by a blue barrel, he would never walk by a pallet.



  1. I love all of this. The garden is amazing. But of course, ice cream takes the story. We stopped on our way out of town last week, excited that they were open. I had a scoop of Cherry and one of the lemon pie. Lemon always takes the day. I'm sure the lemon meringue is just as good.

  2. The writers may have lemon pie and lemon meringue pie mixed up here. Only the Pillings will know the correct name of the flavour.


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