Friday, May 1, 2020

Eighty Memories for Eighty Years: #73 LaRue

... standing on LaRue's land, looking toward the narrows ...
LaRue is a small land holding company, a gem that sparkles for me in the sunlight, one that I hold close to me in the darkness.

On Doral Pilling’s death, I was one of the directors and then officers entrusted to pay the bills and nurture LaRue’s structure.

The act was mutual; LaRue nurturing me, teaching me how to both love the land and to take care of the environment.

I can’t imagine my life without this ongoing concern. Now it has its own blog spot and facebook page and has expanded its shareholder base.

A going concern.

My LaRue.

Our LaRue.


  1. So many memories associated with learning how to caregive to a corporation, how to think about fiduciary duties, and accounting, and investing (in relationships, not just economics). thanks for showing me what it means t care about the history of a corporate entity!

  2. Yes to caring for LaRue. She could have a book written about her on her own, about her journey since 1964. Four more years and she will have reached 60. Doing pretty well for an old girl!


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