Friday, May 15, 2020

Weeding the Flower Beds at Doral & Anita's House

From Mary

Yesterday I weeded the flower beds in front of the house with Betty, Alice and and Michale.  Arta had dug up all the weeds from this bed last summer, so we just had a few to pull.

Today I split some of the plants at Arta's on Lot 3 and brought them over to Lot 4.  Naomi and Rhiannon took turns helping me plant them.

My favourite part of the activity or the day was looking at the small cement pad that is just outside of the roadside door of Richard and Miranda’s cabin.

I saw a high pile of what I thought were pine needles.

I saw some iris leaves poking out of that pile.

It was a high pile of irisbulgs. Arta must have dug them up, left them there to die, and now they have leaves growing out of them.

So I put them back into the garden beds that she dug them out of.

They are safe back in their old home.

If I had been raking through that mess, I may not have noticed, though I was in gardening mode and I might have said, hey I recognize those leaves as Irises.

Can you identify the names of the plants I moved.  Here's a closer look.

(look for day lilies, peonies, hostas, lavender and some other stuff I don't know the names of).

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