Sunday, May 17, 2020

Taking photos of the spring flowers for Arta

Cherry trees on the walk up the road to David Pilling's.

Who knows what the next two photos are?

Apple blossoms in front of Lot 4

Pear between lots 3 and 4 .

Blossoms in the garden on the east side of Arta's garage.

Narcissus bulbs blooming across for the meadow at the top of the Wedding Reach of the stream

Strawberry plants blooming in the law

Skunk cabbage flower.

Photo credits: Mary Johnson


  1. You couldn't have had your camera out when I would have liked it more. I don't think I have ever noticed the pear blossoms. They are beautiful. And you are down so low to the water with the skunk cabbage. Just beautiful.

    Thanks for showing me the narcissus. I planted those bulbs probably 25 years ago, while the house was still a wooden tent for us.

    The spring flowers are on the trees. I would be walking under them and breathing the scent in deeply. I would notice again how good it feels to really fill my lungs with air, right to top capacity, so that I couldn't get any more oxygen in and the then breathe out in a slow steady stream. Oh how relaxing that would be for me.

    Thank you for taking the pics and for putting them up, Mary. I will come back and look again in a few hours. One viewing was not enough.

  2. I love the dew on that penultimate photo. Is it a strawberry blossom?

    And how about that third one in. If I make the photo really big on my phone, and zoom in, I can see so many fine hairs on the bloom.

  3. I was doing the same thing with my screen, magnifying it to take a closer look, as though those photos weren't close enough. I always want an extreme close-up, when just a close-up should do.


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