Monday, May 4, 2020

Eighty Memories for Eighty Years: #75 On Finding Dialogue: a journal of Mormon thought

Greg Bates was moving from Edmonton and wanting to give away the journals he had been collecting called Dialogue: a journal of Mormon thought.

I took them.

When I had read everything he had, I wanted to continue the subscription, which I did for many happy years.

Finally, when I was working at the library, I gave up my subscription, knowing that I could go into the stacks and read the journal there.

I didn’t find this quite as satisfying, as I like to carry a book from room to room, and here I was, trapped at a table and not able to change the wash over to the dryer, or punch the bread down so that I could put it in pans.

Soon I stopped reading it – I had developed a taste for taking classes and there was so much prescribed reading there, that I had to let some of my other interests go.

What was getting in my way was that when the professor would give out the names of the 4 or so texts to read, there was always a supplementary list, and it is that list that was taking all of my time. 

2020 Spring Summer
To my delight, when I was looking on Facebook last night, I saw that Dialogue has its 2020 Spring issue online, and free.

I liked the feeling of visiting an old friend again.

I skimmed the pages, knowing that I will go back to some of the articles.

How delicious is a poem, the title of which reads, “Self-Portrait in Which I Fail to Hide My Daddy Issues from Google.



  1. And this is the first place i was published!!!

  2. Oh, you can always make me laugh! All hail being published.

  3. and further, to be be published alongside one's mother, sisters and sister-in-law? pretty heady stuff!


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