Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Return of the Zip Line

May years ago Leo bought a zip line and built a platform so the kids could zip across the spot on Arta's lot where the compost is.  When we were out there 2 weeks ago he decided to put it back up.  It appeared that the chain he had put around the tree at the start spot was still intact, but the tree had grown over it.  While trying to get the line set up, I found a piece of chain on the ground and when we put some weight on the chain sticking out of the tree, it dislodged itself.  That was when we realized that as the tree was growing, it started shifting around the chain, but eventually just busted it open.  Trees are amazing. Leo was able to come up with a work around, and found a winter tire chain in the garage and used that to replace the broken chain from years past.

Alice helped me cut back the brushes that were sticking out into the path of the zip line.

Once it was et up, all the kids had a try, even the teenagers.  David jumped off the line and landed with feet on the ground.  He was just too tall.  Rhiannon made it about a third of the way before her feet were on the ground.

The shorter kids fared well.

I should say also, that the tall for their age kids fared well too.  Betty probably should not have been able to reach the zip line handlebars, but she managed just fine.

Spot the blue handlebars.  Betty is about to reach up to them.

Eventually, the kids complained of sore hands and Richard, always prepared, pulled out a chalk bag he had acquired when they got a climbing gym for the kids and Alice would spend hours on it.  I'm not sure how it ended up at the lake, but we hung it to the bush on the launch platform so anyone who wanted to chalk up could do so.


  1. Wow! I have often looked at that platform and wondered if it would be changed, but I couldn't even see how a play house could have been made out of it. So now it is back to good use. Leo had done a good job at covering it, hadn't he.

    Glen told me that there was a chain around a tree at the lake that was killing it. He had David go down and take that chain off. It was really high up and David Pilling may have used a ladder.

    So later, I walked by the tree you have mentioned and saw that it too, had the chain embedded in it. So I asked David Pilling to come and fix that. He did, but he could only get part of the chain off -- the other was embedded too deeply. So it looks like Leo and you were able to get that part off. So thank you for doctoring that tree. Not that there aren't enough trees around there but I don't want to loose one. That is the most magnificent stand of Douglas Fir, isn't it. Ceilidh and Gavin spent a lot of time cleaning it up last year.

    So the zip line is really on Richard and Miranda's lot but it crosses over onto mine, just the last 2 yards of it.

    Last year, Ceilidh put a tent just beyond the zip line and you only have to take a few steps to the end of that space to see the most beautiful view from a tent door that you will ever see.

  2. it was fun to see Micheal, Alice and Betty all on the zip line, although maybe next time could you please hang it a bit higher so that those of us with long legs could ride it.

  3. I have wondered about that too, David. Where would be a good place for it? And do we have ladders tall enough to strap the line to. Once Leo put it up so that it swung over the stream. That was breathtaking for the parents.

    Would we need to hire a tree topper, a guy with the skills to get the line up high. I have seen some pretty good zip lines in communities that offer trips on them. Some are on the coast of BC, maybe even a short ride away for you. Do you want to check them out and see how we could take a day trip to get to one of them?

  4. Alice with the clippers put fear into my heart. She is right where my huckleberry bush is and has a fabulous set of tools. I hope they didn't look like something that neeed to be trimmed.


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