Friday, May 8, 2020

Happy Birthday Arta

It was amazing to have the opportunity
to celebrate Arta’s 80th birthday with the family!

Meighan and I wanted to share this one more time
for everybody else to see. 

Despite the distance we all got to connect and share
our cumulative appreciation for dark humour.

Here is the happy birthday Meighan and I had the
delight to compose.

Despite the distance, and un-coordination, I think it
turned out great! It has all the subtlety we know this family has
(Nailed It!)

Happy birthday Grandma 

(from Ceilidh, your favorite Grandchild ;) )

1 comment:

  1. Ceilidh, this birthday song really worked for me. I watched it once this morning to see the total effect, and then I ran it once studying each family. Now that was fun! Richard looked like he was reading the songs off of a prompter? Doesn't he know the words to that song yet.

    David, Joaquim and Bonnie were all wearing scarves. I noticed. David wearing one of my favourite ones.

    Was that Gavin in the birthday song picture from your house, Ceilidh? Beautiful set up. Women in front, men behind. And Meighan, how long your hair is getting. Just beautiful.

    Again, thank you for the birthday song which, because it is on video, will go on and on and on. I can come back to it any time I want. I love that!

    Naomi, I laughed right outloud, You gave the "sign of the eye brows moving up and down" to me. Leo, Xavier, Mary and Rhiannon, you made it look easy for everyone to be in the picture.

    Norman, that was good to help me remember that you are a family all on your own. Thank you for so many smiles during your performance. Usually I see you with your head down or looking at someone across the table. This seemed like our first eye to eye contact mediated through film. That was fun.

    Rebecca, your arm is around your dad. I didn't know if you were using him as a brace to keep yourself in the picture or if it is actually that comfortable to put your arms around him. I hope it is the latter. Hebe -- you were out in front. Thanks for being part of my birthday song. Beard looks good Thomas.

    To the Steven, Duncan and Rebecca trio. Thanks. My guess is that Alex was somewhere holding the dog out of the picture.


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