Friday, May 1, 2020

Eighty Memories for Eighty Years: #71 Good Health

Water Colour by Wyona Bates
Mt Ida and Walking paths
Water Colour by Wyona Bates
For most of my adult years the only reason I needed to go to the hospital was to deliver a baby.

I hardly counted that as having been to the hospital.

That was more about bringing a gift home from the hospital.

As to good health, I have fond memories of the following: walking around my block for exercise, running the paths of my neighbourhood, batting the tennis ball against the backboard over at the Foothills tennis courts, hitting the shuttle cock during early morning badminton hours at the church, serving the ball in the racket ball and squash ball courts at the University of Calgary and swimming along the shores of the Shuswap.

In the past few years I have saluted good health with two new hips and a stent in my heart.

I take my hat off to memories of good health.



  1. Two new hips and a stent: Thank goodness-- you got the care you needed!
    (“Each patient carries his own doctor inside him.”
    ― Norman Cousins) Jane

    1. And I forgot to tell you I love your quote. And I believe it. I have a 3 ringed binder called "Arta's Health" since I can't keep in my head, all of the doctor stuff that is inside of me.

  2. Jane, you and Moiya are about the same age -- 11 years younger than me. I hope you manage your collective ways through those 11 years and make it to 80, a prospect that is getting closer and closer for me. Yes, I was looking at the scars on both of my legs this morning and thinking how beautiful they are, what they represent -- medical miracles, going into a spot and replacing a joint! Instead of being in a wheel chair, I can walk! Just a miracle. And the same goes for the stent. I had NO idea my heart would give out on me. And bang, in 6 hours I have a stent in there. Just another miracle.


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